Property for sale: | Property Located Victoria Pictures |
Total : 39
Showing 21 - 30 of 39 property
Placer Gold Claim - feeder into Lawless Ck, near Tulameen, BC L3 |
$995.00 |
Tulameen Gold - Tenure Name - Lawless 3
Tenure Numbers - 1039568 - Price $995
Placer Gold Claim - feeder into Lawless Creek, near Tulameen, BC We...
Abbotsford | British Columbia
Placer Gold Claim - Salmo River, near Salmo, BC - S3 |
$995.00 |
work. (See attached pictures and maps) This claim is
Nelson | British Columbia
Placer Gold Claim - Conrad Creek, near Golden, BC - R6 |
$995.00 |
creek to work. (See attached pictures and maps
Revelstoke | British Columbia
Placer Gold Claim - Fraser River, near , BC - WL1 |
$1,495.00 |
Fraser River Gold - Tenure Name - Williams Lake 1
Tenure Numbers - 1033860 - Price $1495
Placer Gold Claim - Fraser River, near Williams Lake, BC...
Williams Lake | British Columbia
Placer Gold Claim - Murder Creek, near Likely, BC - L8 |
$495.00 |
. 1360ft of creek to work. (See attached pictures and maps
Abbotsford | British Columbia
BRAND NEW 3 Bedroom Townhome Available June 1st on North End |
$1,750.00 |
located at 714 Victoria Street North on the north end of Guelph. Located a few minutes south of Guelph
Guelph N1E0M5 | Ontario
Park Model Trailer For Sale in Arizona |
$15,000.00 |
Park model trailer located in adult, pet friendly park in Wellton, Arizona. Wellton is about 20
Victoria | British Columbia
HUGE Placer Gold Claim - Ferry + Philippon Ck, Boulder City, BC |
$11,500.00 |
Boulder City Gold - Tenure Name - Boulder City 1 + 2
Tenure Numbers - 1044978 and 1044980 - Price $11,500
Placer Gold Claim - Ferry Creek and...
Prince George | British Columbia
Placer Gold Claim - Similkameen River, near Princeton, BC S12 |
$895.00 |
Similkameen Gold - Tenure Name - Similkameen 12
Tenure Numbers - 1042488 - Price $895
Placer Gold Claim - Similkameen River, near Princeton, BC We...
Abbotsford | British Columbia
Placer Gold Claim - Similkameen River, near Princeton, BC S12 |
$895.00 |
Similkameen Gold - Tenure Name - Similkameen 12
Tenure Numbers - 1042488 - Price $895
Placer Gold Claim - Similkameen River, near Princeton, BC We...